What does it take to be World Class? It’s a lot, but in our case, it is pretty simple, because that is the standard we built our company on ‘World Class,’ a piece of cake that was years in the making. Still, for you to believe in our ability to provide world-class mechanical engineering and plumbing to businesses in Nigeria, we are going to take you on a journey through our professionalism and level of expertise.
The mechanical world is vast and frankly unpredictable because you can’t tell what is coming and next. As a Mechanical engineering company, we can guarantee our readiness for any direction innovations take the mechanics world. But how can you be so sure? Let’s start with our CEO, who is the visionary behind the success of our company.
Alexander E. Unemilin has extensive inexperience in working for private and public sectors before incorporating UNANDER in 2017. He is a serial entrepreneur, accountant, and project manager. While we would not dwell on his success, because it takes a successful man to lead a successful company, we would talk about the company’s capability.
The expertise is solely based on our understanding of businesses and management, which we exploit to get the necessary tools and infrastructural needs of a project to meet the world-class standard. Some projects are stereotypical in the country, and that is one of the norms we are actively breaking when working on any project, which our long list of clients have had to smile about when they stare at our services.
We converse with our clients to have their preference while giving them samples from international projects. Our project isn’t also based on mimicking what has been done internationally. Still, we let our creativity lead while we come up with innovations to wow our clients while differentiating their needs from one another because that is one of the things world-class is about.
Apart from the designation of unique safety solutions for projects and the bringing of immense mechanical exposure to our projects, it is about our team because ‘One person never does remarkable things in businesses, a group of people does it.
We have a team of professional and experienced engineers who are actively working together to offer world-class service because that’s what our company is determined to deliver. These have gone through special training under us apart from the gained knowledge they have gathered from doing exploits in engineering. The training includes giving them the proper perspective to working to be the best against all odds.
The world of mechanical engineering isn’t just about construction; mechanical engineers have made exploits in the world of aerospace, electronics, technology, engines, machines. In a growing economy like the one we have in Nigeria, our expertise helps us attain a high level of flexibility that allows us to work in various industries where mechanical engineering is needed.
We’ve mentioned the fact that the mechanical engineering world is vast. While we can easily fit into every industry, you might wonder what exactly we do for world-class businesses. Understandably, you might not have heard about us because bad news travels faster than good ones, and since our projects were done for perfection and zero risks to our clients, we can never break the news negatively.
UNANDER Nigeria Limited offers a pocket-friendly service in the safety of industries in Nigeria. Over the years in Nigeria, we’ve heard cases of fire hazards in homes, factories, and businesses of different kinds, which is very bad for business because they would have to shut down for weeks, maybe even months. But we have successfully protected our client’s business from such hazards by helping them install standard fire protection and safety